Ultra rare 6-dial game counter or Norfolk Liar circa 1880-1910.
Used by game shooters to keep a tally of game shot on a shoot day, for bragging rights in the bar later (a few clicks to each dial were no doubt added, hence the name Norfolk Liar being used!)
Very few exist and rarely come up for sale. This one is made in nickel silver I believe and has three dials on one side for Pheasants (Faisans), Partridges (Perdrix) and Woodcock (Becasses). On the reverse there are dials for Hares (Lievres), Rabbits (Lapins) and Various (Divers).
Probably made by James Dixon and Son of Sheffield, this one stamped with retailer’s mark HN, for Henri Nicolas.
These items are rare and sought after by collectors. All complete, the dial for partridges seems to have lost its ratchet internally so no click, and the suspension ring is absent.
All in all, a very beautiful and tactile thing.
L: 6.5cm
Shipping Band: H
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